Wednesday, September 30, 2009

9/30/09 Exergaming Log: Gold's Gym

Today I got my exergaming in by playing Gold's Gym Cardio Workout. I was too lazy to do any exergaming yesterday as well as sore. Trying to get back in the daily habit, though I can already predict the next two weekends will probably be missed.

Below is a breakdown of my exergaming today.

Prepared Workout - Hardcore:
Warm Up Beginner Combo - 6 minutes
Beginner Combo - 13 minutes
Squats - 3 minutes

Block Combo - 8 minutes

Punch Count: 1,142
Minutes: 30
Estimated Calories Burned: 159

What did you do for your exergaming or regular exercise today?

Wii Fit Body Test: September 30, 2009

Center of Balance Results:
Left - 42.4%
Right - 57.6%

BMI Results:
29.86 (Overweight)
~152 pounds
Change: 0.0 pounds
Need to Lose to reach current goal: 21.4 pounds

Basic Balance Test:
Round 1 - 4.07 seconds
Round 2 - 5.08 seconds
Round 3 - 5.30 seconds
Round 4 - 5.40 seconds
Round 5 - 4.79 seconds
Total - 24.64 seconds

Agility Test:
Completed - 19

Wii Fit Age: 20

How did your Wii Fit Body Test go today? Feel free to only share the parts you are comfortable sharing. For example, I know some would prefer to not say their weight, but perhaps you are comfortable sharing weight change.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wii Fit Body Test: September 29, 2009

Center of Balance Results:
Left - 48.8%
Right - 51.2%

BMI Results:
29.86 (Overweight)
~152 pounds
Change: +0.4 pounds
Need to Lose to reach current goal: 21.4 pounds

Walking Test:
Left Balance - 45.2%
Right Balance - 54.8%
Balance - 60%

Steadiness Test:
Stability - 70%

Wii Fit Age: 23

How did your Wii Fit Body Test go today? Feel free to only share the parts you are comfortable sharing. For example, I know some would prefer to not say their weight, but perhaps you are comfortable sharing weight change.

Monday, September 28, 2009

9/28/09 Exergaming Log: Gold's Gym

Today I got my exergaming in by playing Gold's Gym Cardio Workout.

Below is a breakdown of my exergaming today.

Prepared Workout - Hardcore:
Forward and Back Step Combo - 7 minutes
Intermediate Combo - 15 minutes
Mitt Work - 3 minutes

Punch Count: 862
Minutes: 25
Estimated Calories Burned: 139

What did you do for your exergaming or regular exercise today?

Wii Fit Body Test: September 28, 2009

Center of Balance Results:
Left - 47.6%
Right - 52.4%

BMI Results:
29.78 (Overweight)
~152 pounds
Change: 0.0 pounds
Need to Lose to reach current goal: 20.9 pounds

Steadiness Test:
Stability - 67%

Basic Balance Test:
Round 1: 3.75 seconds
Round 2: 4.09 seconds
Round 3: 6.01 seconds
Round 4: 7.04 seconds
Round 5: 6.90 seconds
Total: 27.79 seconds

Wii Fit Age: 23

How did your Wii Fit Body Test go today? Feel free to only share the parts you are comfortable sharing. For example, I know some would prefer to not say their weight, but perhaps you are comfortable sharing weight change.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

9/27/09 Exergaming Log: Gold's Gym

Today I got my exergaming in by playing Gold's Gym Cardio Workout. I got back home late last night from my week at the beach. I am sad to have gained a pound over the week even though I ate way healthier than normal and did get a good amount of walking and stair climbing down and back up from the beach. Thus I am taking advantage of getting home a whole day early by getting back to my exergaming daily goal today instead of the original plan of being able to get back to it tomorrow.

Below is a breakdown of my exergaming today.

Prepared Workout - Hardcore:
Weaving Combo - 6 minutes
Ducking Combo - 22 minutes
Push Ups - 0 (I can barely do actual push ups much less the crap of trying to do them with the balance board, which does not allow for spreading of hands far enough apart or recognize when I am doing one)

Punch Count: 1,098
Minutes: 28
Estimated Calories Burned: 180

What did you do for your exergaming or regular exercise today?

Wii Fit Body Test: September 27, 2009

Center of Balance Results:
Left - 53%
Right - 47%

BMI Results:
29.78 (Overweight)
~152 pounds
Change: +0.7 pounds
Need to Lose to reach current goal: 20.9 pounds

Steadiness Test:
Stability - 73%

Agility Test:
Completed - 20

Wii Fit Age: 20

How did your Wii Fit Body Test go today? Feel free to only share the parts you are comfortable sharing. For example, I know some would prefer to not say their weight, but perhaps you are comfortable sharing weight change.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

9/20/09 Exergaming Log: Gold's Gym

Today I got my exergaming in by playing Gold's Gym Cardio Workout. I am proud of myself getting up at 4:30am and fitting this in before leaving for a week of beach camping vacation. I get back possibly late next Sunday and hopefully will be back at exergaming daily by Monday, September 28.

Below is a breakdown of my exergaming today.

Ducking Combo - 22 minutes

Punch Count: 894
Minutes: 22
Estimated Calories Burned: 140

What did you do for your exergaming or regular exercise today?

Wii Fit Body Test: September 20, 2009

Center of Balance Results:
Left - 46.2%
Right - 53.8%

BMI Results:
29.65 (Overweight)
~151 pounds
Change: -0.9 pounds
Need to Lose to reach current goal: 20.3 pounds

Single-Leg Balance Test:
Time Held - 30 seconds
Left and right stability - 79%

Walking Test:
Left Balance - 56.3%
Right Balance - 43.7%
Balance - 51%

Wii Fit Age: 23

How did your Wii Fit Body Test go today? Feel free to only share the parts you are comfortable sharing. For example, I know some would prefer to not say their weight, but perhaps you are comfortable sharing weight change.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

9/19/09 Exergaming Log: Wii Fit

Today I got my exergaming in by playing Wii Fit. I got kind of burnt out on Gold's Gym for now, so time to mix it up with Wii Fit.

Below is a breakdown of my exergaming today.

Super Hula Hoop:
Left Spins - 1,681
Right Spins - 1,636
Total Spins - 3,317 (4 Star Rank: Calorie Incinerator)
Minutes - 11

Advanced Step:
Score - 574 points (3 Star Rank: Calorie Torcher)
Minutes - 5

Advanced Step:
Score - 591 points (3 Star Rank: Calorie Torcher)
Minutes - 5

Soccer Heading - Advanced:
Score - 553 points (4 Star Rank: Champion)
Minutes - 2 minutes

Soccer Heading - Advanced:
Score - 655 points (4 Star Rank: Champion)
*First time I have ever done perfect on the Advanced mode
Minutes - 2 minutes

Soccer Heading - Advanced:
Score - 555 points (4 Star Rank: Champion)
Minutes - 2 minutes

Soccer Heading - Advanced:
Score - 480 points (4 Star Rank: Champion)
Minutes - 2 minutes

Ski Slalom - Advanced:
Result - 1:15.95 (1 Star Rank: Unbalanced)
Minutes - 1 minute

Ski Slalom - Advanced:
Result - 1:26.75 (1 Star Rank: Unbalanced)
Minutes - 1 minute

Ski Jump:
1st Jump - 42m
2nd Jump - 0m
Total - 42m (1 Star Rank: Unbalanced)
Minutes - 1 minute

Ski Jump:
1st Jump - 141m
2nd Jump - 176m
Total - 317m (3 Star Rank: Profesional)
Minutes - 1 minute

Total Minutes: 33

What did you do for your exergaming or regular exercise today?

Wii Fit Body Test: September 19, 2009

Center of Balance Results:
Left - 48.9%
Right - 51.1%

BMI Results:
29.82 (Overweight)
~152 pounds
Change: 0.0 pounds
Need to Lose to reach current goal: 21.2 pounds

Agility Test:
Completed - 22

Steadiness Test:
Stability - 66%

Wii Fit Age: 20

How did your Wii Fit Body Test go today? Feel free to only share the parts you are comfortable sharing. For example, I know some would prefer to not say their weight, but perhaps you are comfortable sharing weight change.

Friday, September 18, 2009

9/18/09 Exergaming Log: Gold's Gym

Today I got my exergaming in by playing Gold's Gym Cardio Workout. Slacked off yesterday and did not play any exergaming games, although I got a little exercise in with bowling league last night. Not a good time to slack off with me leaving for a week vacation on Sunday and not much hope of good quality exercise during that week, but at the same time I put it off to get other things done that need to get finished before I leave. Today I forced myself to do it and boy does it feel better to get it in and I feel way more refreshed and less stressed to focus on what needs to get done. Now hopefully that motivation get me doing it first thing tomorrow as well as at 4am before I leave town at 5:30am on Sunday.

Below is a breakdown of my exergaming today.

Prepared Workout - Hardcore:
Ducking Combo - 7 minutes
Hook Combo - 13 minutes
Squats - 3 minuts

Punch Count: 843
Minutes: 23
Estimated Calories Burned: 121

What did you do for your exergaming or regular exercise today?

Wii Fit Body Test: September 18, 2009

Center of Balance Results:
Left - 52.5%
Right - 47.5%

BMI Results:
29.82 (Overweight)
~152 pounds
Change: +1.5 pounds
Need to Lose to reach current goal: 21.2 pounds

Single Leg Balance Test:
Time Held - 30 seconds
Left and right stability: 76%

Basic Balance Test:
Round 1: 3.94 seconds
Round 2: 3.90 seconds
Round 3: 5.70 seconds
Round 4: 4.83 seconds
Round 5: 5.08 seconds
Total: 23.45 seconds

Wii Fit Age: 20

How did your Wii Fit Body Test go today? Feel free to only share the parts you are comfortable sharing. For example, I know some would prefer to not say their weight, but perhaps you are comfortable sharing weight change.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wii Fit Body Test: September 17, 2009

Center of Balance Results:
Left - 49.3%
Right - 50.7%

BMI Results:
29.52 (Overweight)
~150.5 pounds
Change: -0.4 pounds
Need to Lose to reach current goal: 19.6 pounds

Basic Balance Test:
Round 1: 3.94 seconds
Round 2: 4.43 seconds
Round 3: 3.78 seconds
Round 4: 5.32 seconds
Round 5: 5.67 seconds
Total: 23.14 seconds

Agility Test:
Completed: 20

Wii Fit Age: 20

How did your Wii Fit Body Test go today? Feel free to only share the parts you are comfortable sharing. For example, I know some would prefer to not say their weight, but perhaps you are comfortable sharing weight change.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

9/16/09 Exergaming Log: Gold's Gym

This morning I got my exergaming in by playing Gold's Gym Cardio Workout. Still had one Advanced Lessons I have never done, so I again did A La Carte today. Probably will go back to Prepared Lessons tomorrow. Too hard to decide what lessons to do otherwise. That or might do Wii Fit instead, but kind of been doing Gold's Gym this week because I will be out of town doing no Wii exergaming next week and then it will only be a week home before the new Wii Fit Plus comes out, which I already preordered. Figured I should get tired of Gold's Gym before that comes and not feel like it is a hard choice to mix it up and try out Wii Fit instead of my current favorite Gold's Gym.

Below is a breakdown of my exergaming today.

Weaving Combo - 21 minutes
Hook Combo - 13 minutes

Punch Count: 1,230
Minutes: 34
Estimated Calories Burned: 210

What did you do for your exergaming or regular exercise today?

Wii Fit Body Test: September 16, 2009

Center of Balance Results:
Left - 48%
Right - 52%

BMI Results:
29.61 (Overweight)
~151 pounds
Change: 0.0 pounds
Need to Lose to reach current goal: 20.1 pounds

Agility Test:
Completed - 18

Walking Test:
Left Balance - 45.4%
Right Balance - 54.6%
Balance - 61%

Wii Fit Age: 23

How did your Wii Fit Body Test go today? Feel free to only share the parts you are comfortable sharing. For example, I know some would prefer to not say their weight, but perhaps you are comfortable sharing weight change.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

9/15/09 Exergaming Log: Gold's Gym

This morning I got my exergaming in by playing Gold's Gym Cardio Workout. Yesterday I noticed I never got around to doing some of the Advanced Lessons, so I decided to do A la Carte today instead of a Prepared Workout. Boy is the two hooks in a row part of Triple Combo odd feeling.

Below is a breakdown of my exergaming today.

Ducking Combo - 21 minutes
Triple Combo - 15 minutes

Punch Count: 1,412
Minutes: 36
Estimated Calories Burned: 235

What did you do for your exergaming or regular exercise today?

Wii Fit Body Test: September 15, 2009

Center of Balance Results:
Left - 52.5%
Right - 47.5%

BMI Results:
29.61 (Overweight)
~151 pounds
Change: -0.7 pounds
Need to Lose to reach current goal: 20.1 pounds

Agility Test:
Completed - 15

Single-Leg Balance Test:
Time Held - 30 seconds
Left and right stability - 79%

Wii Fit Age: 21

How did your Wii Fit Body Test go today? Feel free to only share the parts you are comfortable sharing. For example, I know some would prefer to not say their weight, but perhaps you are comfortable sharing weight change.

Monday, September 14, 2009

9/14/09 Exergaming Log: Gold's Gym

This morning I got my exergaming in by playing Gold's Gym Cardio Workout. I really love working out with the shape boxing on this game. Today I did a Hardcore Prepared Workout and an extra shape boxing routine to get over 30 minutes or exercise. I have not done the Log Chopping exercise in a long time. Boy is it harder than I remember. It is not that it is that long of an exercise or even that hard to complete, but it is intense if you go all out.

Below is a breakdown of my minutes exergaming today.

Prepared Workout: Hardcore
Weaving Combo - 6 minutes
Left and Right Ducking Combo - 16 minutes
Log Chopping - 1 minute

Beginner Combo - 14 minutes

Punch Count: 1,260
Minutes: 36 minutes
Estimated Calories Burned: 223

What did you do for your exergaming or regular exercise today?